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Ceylon Coconut Flour


Coconut flour is made from fresh coconut flesh that has been dehydrated, squeezed, and finely crushed into flour while retaining the flavor

and aroma of the coconut. High in dietary fiber. It doesn't contain any preservatives, refined sugar, artificial flavors, sweeteners, or additives.

This is free of dairy, gluten, and cholesterol. It can be used in baking and cooking as a replacement to ordinary wheat-based flour and

is well-liked by people who follow a diet that excludes wheat, gluten, dairy, and other carbohydrates. It is the perfect gluten-free substitute

because it is low in trans-fat and cholesterol. Coconut flour's advantages over other types of flour include its high fiber, protein, and

low-carbohydrate content. Furthermore, it has a low glycemic index, making it ideal for people who desire to live a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Ceylon Coconut Flour

There are numerous reasons to love all that coconut flour nutrition has to offer, especially the fact that it’s high in nutrients, low in calories,

and versatile in many recipes. It’s also very uncommon for coconut flour to cause any digestive or autoimmune responses like other grain

flours can.The health benefits of using coconut flour in recipes are far reaching and impressive.

     Coconut flour is growing in popularity as more people discover the many health benefits of coconut flour nutrition, in addition to its many

uses as a delicious, gluten-free, and healthy alternative to other flours.

     Coconut flour is high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats and is free from wheat and other grains. It is also low in sugar, digestible carbohydrates

and calories, and has a low score on the glycemic index.

     This makes coconut flour a favorite amongst Paleo dieters, gluten free eaters, including those with Celiac Disease or a gluten sensitivity,

those with digestive problems like leaky gut syndrome, anyone with a nut allergy, those with diabetes, vegetarians, and just about everyone

else in between.

Available In;

50g - 500g Pouch

10kg - 25kg Bags

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